
BSR locked by Trustswap. Funds are SAFU! Members Public

Why Trustswap | SmartLocks? - Total Locked Liquidity Value: $59,313,285.58 - Audit: Chainsulting - 3rd Party Trusted Partner BSR locked by Trustswap. Funds are SAFU! Check out the details: [

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6.7M BSR Token Massive Burn! Members Public

To repay seed buyers loyalty and commitments, we have conducted Binstarter’s first token burn. A total of 6,760,203 BSR of unsold tokens in the seed sales have been burnt. Total supply have dropped 6.7% to 93,239,797. Burn Contact Address:

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What Happened During the Seed Sale Process, What Are We Doing Now? Members Public

It has been a very important day for the BinStarter community. Softcap was completed quickly and the campaign concluded successfully. At this point, we are happy for the trust you have placed in us and we thank you all. 1) Delay on swap screen‌‌We have a set of security

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Seed Sales Whitelist & Instruction Members Public

How Will The Sale Take Place? Preparation Metamask or Trust Wallet BNB Access First Round: The Whitelist Guaranteed Allocation Sale will begin at 10 AM EST ( 30.06.2021 ). 1 hour will be given to Whitelisted participants on Guaranteed Allocation Masterlist. For all other participants, sales

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BinStarter Will Integrate Chainlink VRF to Secure Evaluation Pool and Allocation Lottery Members Public

We’re excited to announce that BinStarter an IDO launchpad protocol that uses a portion of funds raised on new IDOs to fund an Insurance policy, protecting investors against fraud and smart contract errors that result in financial losses has integrated Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) [

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BinStarter: Techrate Audit Successfully Completed Members Public

BinStarter is pleased to announce the completion of TechRate Audit. The purpose of these audit was to identify any potential security issues within the smart contract and/or ensure that the smart contract functions as originally intended. To that end, BinStarter is pleased to announce that we successfully passed of

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Community Updates

BinStarter & Techrate Forged Due Diligence Partnership Members Public

BinStarter is a multi-chain launchpad project with insurance protocol. In order to prevent future security vulnerabilities or unforeseen software errors that may be encountered by IDOs to be published on BinStarter, a due diligence partnership has been made with “Techrate”, which audits and tests smart contracts. With its detailed reports,

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What Happened in the Last 24 Hours? Members Public

As soon as the BinStarter project started to be heard, it was very popular and started to get great demand. It has been extensively shared on various Twitter accounts, different websites and large-scale telegram groups, especially in the last 24 hours. As a result, we have received hundreds of new

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