Community Updates

Recaps, competitions, highlights, quarterly updates and everything else our community cares about.

What Happened in the Last 24 Hours? Members Public

As soon as the BinStarter project started to be heard, it was very popular and started to get great demand. It has been extensively shared on various Twitter accounts, different websites and large-scale telegram groups, especially in the last 24 hours. As a result, we have received hundreds of new

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BinStarter Seed Sale Whitelist is LIVE Members Public

Token Metrics Token Symbol: $BSR Total Max Supply: 93,239,797 Initial Circulating Supply: 4.9M $BSR Initial Market Cap: ~$490K USD $BSR — BinStarter token The $BSR token is key to get priority-access to token sales pools hosted on the BinStarter platform. It also has three interesting token mechanisms: Deflationary

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BinStarter Project Benefits Members Public

BinStarter can be defined as an investor community due to its structure. However, it is not enough to define it only as an investor community, because we will host many new projects every day, and we will make a great contribution to the evaluation of each new project that comes

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Community Updates

BinStarter Token, $BSR Advantages Members Public

Binstarter is an IDO platform with Binance Smart Chain-based, decentralized, optional collateral projects, that allows simple, easy, and low-cost swap possibilities for pool builders and liquidity providers. Binstarter provides predictable liquidity collection for projects, while ensuring transparent transaction with collateral and fixed swap rates for liquidity providers. While the Binstarter

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Introducing the BinStarter Technical Roadmap Members Public

We are excited to release our initial technical roadmap. Will also outline the BinStarter platform and our plans for the future. BinStarter Key Features We have been actively following processes such as ICO and IDO since 2016. As the investor of many successful and unsuccessful projects in the sector, we

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