Get to know: FitBurn

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Get Paid for Every Drop of Sweat!

FitBurn is the world’s first Burn2Earn lifestyle revolution app, which is about to take the fitness industry by storm! It encourages users to exercise more and live a healthier lifestyle, as they have the opportunity to monetize the calories they burn.

To prepare for their IDO, we hosted an AMA with Ferhat Kacmaz, CEO of FitBurn on BinStarter Telegram Official Channel. In case you missed it, here’s a quick AMA recap!

Introduction Round

1. Could you give a brief introduction of Fitburn?

FitBurn is the first Burn-to-Earn, AI Powered Fitness App that combines real life and Crypto.

A bridge between Fitness & Blockchain.

Essentially, FitBurn allows users to earn through exercise and put their rewards to use right away.

We are focused on sustainability and have an evolved tokenomics model with a single token system, real life utility and real token use case from day one.

2. Could you walk us through the mechanics and the core “loop” that users will experience?

Firstly, users will download the FitBurn app (which is available for public beta now!) and sync it to a wearable device to track calories burned.

As long as the users have a FitBurn NFT, or are renting one out, every calorie they burn can be rewarded with the $CAL token, which can then be used to access and pay for exclusive rewards such as supplement discounts, gym memberships, events, and more! We will have an Onlineshop full of Products and Services for Fitness & Health.

As well you will be able to use our Token to play Online Games like, Born to Die, KataInu and others.

As the ecosystem grows, so will the utility of the $CAL token day by day.

3. Could you talk a little bit about what makes FitBurn unique?

For a start, you can use the token from day one for payments online in our shop or offline inside partnered gyms. You will be able to purchase everything related to Fitness, Sports and health in our Shop with a 20% Discount. NFT Lending is another perk for holders that can help generate some passive income.

Finally, AI integration gives a complete new user experience to our members.

No lending, No real token Utility, no AI Intigration was ever intigrated in a Move to Earn Project.

Thats why they have fight with strong Inflation. Becuase their Token are useless.

The best people can do is to sell.

You can use our Token from day one Online and Offline, the tokens are coming back in our Ecosystem and Users even get 20% Discount using it.

We are not a Move to Earn! …just mobing is not enough…you need to BURN TO EARN!

4. So we know you have ambitious plans for the app - but how will you bring FitBurn to the masses?

Partnerships will be the key here.

We will be working with big partners both on and offline in the Fitness and Sports World and with famous Ambassadors, as well as Sponsoring and Hosting Big Sporting events.

Marketing, Marketing, Marketing + Education and building a Bridge for Web 2.0 people into Blockchain and Crypto.

5. What does the next year for FitBurn look like?

We will mainly be focused on building partnerships, creating big marketing campaigns, releasing our own products and building our own Fitburn gyms!

6. Could you shed some light on the long term vision of FitBurn?

We want to create a currency for the Fitness, Sports and health Industry, Building Gyms Worldwide, and Investing in Marketing and Buying Fitness brands to integrate in the Fitburn Ecosystem!

7. Do you have any final thoughts to share?

We believe that we created something never done before and we will show the world that a Crypto Project is more than a pump and dump and can be a really serious business Model, if it’s done by the right people on the right way.

Live Question Round

1.Does the infrastructure of the Fitburn application work equally on all smart watches with the same data? For example; Has this been tested on different brands and models?

We have tested many brands and differnet Gears. Not all of them working because some brabds doesnt allow access to Heart Beat Monitoring. But the most common and big Brands are working like Apple Watch, Polar Amazon…we have a Device List for that to check.

2. FitBurn's Burn-to-Earn model rewards users for every calorie they burn with Calorie tokens that can be used for various purposes. Can you discuss how the value of calorie tokens is determined?

Most projects forget that they have to build an ecosystem around their token and we knew it was vital to give utility to the token right from the start. With $CAL you can buy products, membership, and services, join online games and metaverse, upgrade your NFT, and enter competitions (you could even win a lambo!!)

3. Where I can get the latest updates or more information about the project?

FitBurn.Ai - Burn to Earn
🔥Welcome to FitBurn Official Chat! Announcements Channel: FitBurn German: FitBurn Turkish:

4. How does your team assure the investors that you will be able to support the price?

Our Ecosytem and that the tokens will be used mostly for Products and Services and getting back to our reward System. And becuase of our Online and Offline Shops we are getting comission and affiliate. This profits from the real world and retail business, we will use for marketing and buybacks.

5. How do you ensure the accuracy of the calorie count and corresponding rewards earned by users in the Burn to Win program? How has the partnership with Mr. Olympia influenced the development of the FitBurn project? What other partnerships do you intend to form in the future?

The partnership with Mr. Olympia influenced the development of the FitBurn project significant. We have met and spoken to the biggest Athletes and Partners of the Fitness Industry and we received many Advise and support. It helped to bring the App on the next level. As well as Main Sponsor of Mr. Olympia we gained a lot of Exposure for the Project.

About BinStarter

BinStarter is a decentralized mining-style approval mechanism insurance protocol that is designed to examine projects according to certain criteria for 30 days and to protect liquidity providers against possible financial damages or any negativities.

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