WingStep IDO Allocations + Details
BinStarter is very honored to have an opportunity to launch the IDO event for the WingStep project. WingStep is a Web3-based fitness and health tracking mobile app with integrated NFT gaming and social media elements, where you can earn rewards by walking, jogging, and going to the gym.
IDO Details
Token Type: BEP20
Price per Token: $0.01
Total Allocation: $100,000
Vesting Schedule: TGE 40%, 1 month cliff, vesting 6 months
Initial Market Cap: $300,000
Accepted Currency: $BUSD
Raise Date: June 10th, 2022
PCS Listing: June 11th, 2022
Location & IDO Page & Timer: https://bsr.binstarter.io/ido/project/629ad6381b37f257e79fe31e
IDO Allocation Distributions:
Pool 8:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 2432 BUSD ( ~$2432)
Pool 7:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 1216 BUSD ( ~$1216)
Pool 6:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 608 BUSD ( ~$608)
Pool 5:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 304 BUSD ( ~$304)
Pool 4:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 152 BUSD ( ~$152)
Pool 3:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 76 BUSD ( ~$76)
Pool 2:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 38 BUSD ( ~$38)
Pool 1:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 19 BUSD ( ~$19)
Pool 1 Winner List: https://bsr.binstarter.io/ido/project/629ad6381b37f257e79fe31e
Gleam Campaign:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Gleam Winners: 100
Each Allocation Amount: 19 BUSD ( ~$19)
Gleam Winner List:
0xE49F4E64d0eEd221138aDdB3A834f35c388Bd701 0xdC97DEE77A522315f288db3197a0802Fb673A279 0x4c34f7F6ec48D5a4479d26F8b7e9B5b83070b986 0xB29F8187606fD7e25866CD1AE4DfF6A858ccEEc1 0x15D7E0858fFD4f8873a66c3f3e47c3327B143C59 0x695be439509cCa0c0C0cb6094AdC2D3AFCF17f0E 0x623C82Db908e138E22974a10fEb593f5268eD570 0xa8D6816a496C3746B691aC075536eBfC2AB3a3b4 0x7e07f32595329b11664DabD4983C3c5795A11B96 0x7BE9f74E73f1d1aCe72d0e234202B9D079309DB3 0xd1f36DE682B60418377430f567426d5a64ab962E 0x3f02FA469bDE43295bFE21b461fe662B47E77f83 0x268CA715E361Ed8e686BDEF587CbaB5E8438F7A2 0x046053bE5C6F6b266B8953285B6883A84491D376 0x4C29856bC283017086B423185f3d927163c2083F 0x11a6945da14F5f3df609F05BdB39a997c5506448 0xD89FD10A3156d85c2B5535354f430eF9977ED6E2 0xF708C163CAE23b66d86C637A78D26C1Fc87a495d 0x2F60e43c7Bf64Ab883068DB0e2f4d810a9fBa51d 0x3fD062cC36087cf85eE382baBF722D515a7B3d7A 0xFbEF2D77dCD23596B851BEFDCE0F382217e1C01f 0x92a9ab748509CB5a21FcE6d0Dd0Ed5F7B3CF97ec 0x8b4f24cbccb62596dF731E338149933A84D96111 0x0E55435495BE68DC93aa1FCeBa918ABC90c18D79 0xb6982427e5A3bC4722C928dAaCC2C310326b89D6 0x873e0cA3DA4C9B2CECC2e55281F2b704f70bcF06 0x7A7372b40eF4A94e626B9ce85722A2a1E326bc9b 0xe7a4dA30eFC808c1aebE7907F193aaBa21758142 0x5d5AEC0ea93dBcC07E4A6e8877f4021d9937B4b2 0x06927d194EcE0d232d8Fba7f6Da93493d728039C 0xDcF777FA3478119dc1575e65c8693c3813E1CbF2 0xB42d94650b78295d2D0c1B9d214163511475337C 0xC5f73cf2a29703A2c25BdcD411719120CE9A8f5A 0x63FD4096e3467B9d116564B1414062F5F6730FED 0x76b9aD8d12E1b2cD2527dB0509a7b432ce93eac7 0xe219305F086dECA07F23937660bebB8CB5e44E34 0xDBF4BE7000DE998f82F7A0A3d50953083a106c00 0x5401f5260d031DdFF880ace69b09E799d4Cc27a7 0xe6ed7d1cadd62dcf612699CDf3276CEae087b783 0x63eb3fd749FDD727a3433d4a96C86C66ED72a578 0xa734439d26Ce4dBf43ED7eb364Ec409D949bB369 0x6cc5aAe5e8BcE5c10A35fAFee7bc86545410E383 0x5A97ed860d3a1A6b9B2809398e6D5D3F0451a842 0xf1047CEF262149CbDC78b3c30C59e5e84E5b7600 0x5964De6897503E9C8eA544B8434d1F2BB121AdB8 0xea7aa81EF69941Cd966dDCd878f00104bDA8B520 0x8637a2E89CbDf5Aa0E619774E5373548fc228547 0xa789bDAD4119cA7c0C80aD049C8319FDd4600B13 0x6d3E15a91C4256E7e72D9269620F5bA99121AA40 0xFB7C9EA88Ffa2f6cCC6f1E07c8FB75f1cd4Fcf9FFCFS Rounds
1. FCFS BinStarter Round* (BSR Stakers) will start UTC 20:00–20:30 or till sold out
2. FCFS Round* will start UTC 20:30 - till sold out
Each Allocation Amount: 9.5 BUSD ( ~$9.5)
*Must have BSR staked in pools during Whitelisting to purchase in “FCFS BinStarter Round”. If all allocations are sold out in 1st BinStarter round, there will not be a 2nd “FCFS Round” at UTC 20:30.
WingStep Gleam Campaign Details:
BinStarter has conducted a successful gleam campaign for WingStep that has garnered 104K+ entries.
About BinStarter
BinStarter is a decentralized mining-style approval mechanism insurance protocol that is designed to examine projects according to certain criteria for 30 days and to protect liquidity providers against possible financial damages or any negativities.
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