Updates Post-Token Migration for Binstarter Renaissance

Binstarter Social - Queen

We are pleased to share several important updates following our token migration process:

1. CoinGecko and BSCscan Data Updated: All data on CoinGecko and BSCscan has been successfully updated. The old and new contracts have been published following the migration. Additionally, our new website has been added to CoinGecko.

2. Strategic Advantage in Circulating Supply: In another significant development, by limiting our supply, we have provided our users with a substantial advantage over our competitors.

   - Current Market Cap: $2,284,447

   - Circulating Supply: 37,600,000 BSR

 It’s noteworthy that nearly 100% of our circulating supply is currently locked in our staking contracts or migration contracts:

   - 15,441,626 BSR are in the Migration Contract: View on BSCscan

   - 14,323,442 BSR are in the Staking Contract: View on BSCscan

   The remaining 7,834,932 BSR in circulation are distributed across PancakeSwap, Uniswap, Staking Reward Wallets, and our Market Maker (MM) accounts.

You can now track these data points directly on CoinGecko and BSCscan. We expect CoinMarketCap data to be updated soon as well.

We believe these updates will enhance our platform's value and bring more opportunities for our community as part of the Binstarter Renaissance.

About Binstarter

Launched in June 2021, Binstarter is a trailblazer in decentralized finance, renowned as the first multi-chain IDO platform with an Extended Insurance Protocol (EIP). Our platform is committed to transparency, fairness, and innovation, offering secure and efficient fundraising solutions for startups. At Binstarter, we aim to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by reducing risks, enhancing user experiences, and empowering startups for successful launches.

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