Medieval Empires IDO Allocations + Details


BinStarter is very honored to have an opportunity to launch the IDO event for the Medieval Empires project. Medieval Empires  is a mid-core multiplayer online strategy game based in a blockchain powered world, where the players will be able to build, explore and conquer with exciting opportunities to  play and earn! The storyline of the game initially focuses on Ertuğrul Gazi, a tribal warrior and a celebrated leader of the Kayi tribe.

IDO Details

Token Type: MATIC
Price per Token: $0.009
Total Allocation: $100,000
Vesting Schedule: 25% unlocked at TGE. Then, weekly vesting over 6 months.
Initial Market Cap: $870,000
Accepted Currency: $USDT

Raise Date: December 16th, 2022
Bybit Listing: December 19th, 2022
Location & IDO Page & Timer:

IDO Allocation Distributions:

Tier 8:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 1856 USDT ( ~$1856)

Tier 7:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 928 USDT ( ~$928)

Tier 6:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 464 USDT ( ~$464)

Tier 5:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 240 USDT ( ~$240)

Tier 4:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 120 USDT ( ~$120)

Tier 3:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 60 USDT ( ~$60)

Tier 2:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 30 USDT ( ~$30)

Tier 1:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Each Allocation Amount: 15 USDT ( ~$15)

Gleam Campaign:
Time: UTC 16:00–19:00
Gleam Winners: 50

Gleam Winner List:

0x93bA9527E53cDcd59202127365C8f8db70cA3da8 - $1000 0xa734439d26ce4dbf43ed7eb364ec409d949bb369 - $750 0x435F8CD62F67a77A18e1dA35b7E840F9F626bCB6 - $500 0xD3Da608A480DFF7807E23aEf06C1b2A8699A5462 - $500 0x5b0C1c8d5D8dC418687F7A684A55B4bf2C83b0Fe - $500 0x7aBf2296bEa93Dee77eBBf9Ce03A059fF8209505 - $500 0x3ADA6cBbC58DF1e73C9125F61BcE142f4CFEc817 - $500 0x7c6eeE18eA98E4E003841fE85DeFdFE355211910 - $500 0xca7652a8520Ae4601A8641185aFa6A13AC280fdC - $500 0xFD395eDC5fb0B2B4Cb31Cb0db2a15d27f0d33D96 - $500 0x225F3E64ccdd7db38A1982Fc42Ce143F2D566d29 - $250 0x7D76349B806148594b8075A83b2f8fb12feaA743 - $250 0x0DDbfED5eba21Df16fF1De23CFB636BA50e66d69 - $250 0x39458BB22FFE3adB99e90922796db648F4A9E9fe - $250 0x6dcF478b1dbC8A103B6d7DFeE4A1cA30854BB11A - $250 0x9bc7858dB10E40D9AAB042f681240f8acDbe6cc0 - $250 0x13d4d3262d13d8b4670a52101d1fc73e4a65b903 - $250 0x83D3B027331939772A67403AD85443FA9E6E9D6D - $250 0x6Dc7E8AE669C13757d072ba5506c154f58e570C7 - $250 0x7Bd15E610421A61258EEa5938083c1f9921443E8 - $250 0xB6e29c913d1fC4F7BD50F1ec69F19797f0968f83 - $250 0xbc96c61882886251bC884cD5c5be73ec6C35b8b2 - $250 0x8bF3297cbD8D593Dd1942750Ac04Ad2776860003 - $250 0x2E46Ba481Ea42F9d615d616357c60b297150D10E - $250 0x66463C821F16dF7950578949897Acb00449a12c6 - $250 0xf68e2Fd4ffD54D2594Cd5a429e197feeF78B7cEC - $250 0xDA0Aa13B732604B2B352811BBB5D6C0552CB5533 - $250 0x671b45BfB3D7b5416aeD12722E934190E7FaED13 - $250 0xc75b239aF4b4F82c38b5f5Fc464E18be58e76eCA - $250 0xA41F67203AFAadBEeE1530752eebddE6cf8d9908 - $250 0x78fe376A9BA450B3A633AFBABF423ad1D47Ed5B8 - $250 0x4e03F065eB1117d2b227feD8cBEc6dEEd4f06545 - $250 0x2E49d51D73dDFf517408affc57BBCfF797A4e7Af - $250 0x507F6d880c8BfdBfA5698F2E872cb8676beEF17c - $250 0xd493C49364c8Dbbd8a2D3939c409145Aa4Af0096 - $250 0x345D830A05BE23AF449ffFc2DcF6011dF6995da3 - $250 0xBc117c89FE25CAe6Cdd269bFB9438373C72F5CaC - $250 0xdb6B5fAeB9377BEb5F82aDccD0513F7CD8a03F5F - $250 0xe905565e6F866c2527fF9C6ff06Dc11a67a91C50 - $250 0x8dD7dC90F30A6E943C5BF1657Fa46c484277b550 - $250 0xbBc1E8dEDa9d01141F1e2f0C6Ac510619087a1CF - $250 0xA5f47f99350431f6238B1AcfdB4611e322e043E9 - $250 0xB6D7FafbA9ac7919304ed6a0C8E22B66a60b5748 - $250 0xC59D0017e69C1fDD3B55305b3e6C0d9e44025BA9 - $250 0x8425176e0b0E1d2CB0220a7EB7702F215440eDf3 - $250 0x44f3ac2f98f58AdFe6826d1babB57D82B78ECf0e - $250 0x4c68678583EFc9603e6D0dB1bD3032bd47A35133 - $250 0x87d4a593a7C149da910A851D80E3D774CB8162fb - $250 0x414a7e4d1416e922b3a87105A4552A9eFF474ceB - $250 0xE758EDC890956F6F39C3b40e4579B26B177bb41f - $250

FCFS BSR Stakers Rounds and Details for Medieval Empires:

  • FCFS 1st Round: For BSR stakers only - Up to 50% of the existing allocation (Duration: 19:00–19:10 UTC or sold out )
  • FCFS 2nd Round: For BSR stakers only -Up to 100% of the existing allocation (Duration: 19:10–19:20 UTC or sold out )
  • FCFS 3rd Round: For BSR stakers only -Up to 200% of the existing allocation (Duration: 19:20–19:30 UTC or sold out)

FCFS Public Round Details for Medieval Empires:                                             Duration: Starts on December 16th, 2022 at 19:30 UTC– Ends on December 17th, 2022 at 16:00  UTC— till sold out

*Must have BSR staked in pools during Whitelisting to purchase in 1st, 2nd and 3rd FCFS rounds. If all allocations are sold out in the first 3 rounds, there will not be 4th FCFS round for public.

Medieval Empires Gleam Campaign Details:
BinStarter has conducted a successful gleam campaign for Medieval Empires that has garnered 176,000+ entries.

About BinStarter

BinStarter is a decentralized mining-style approval mechanism insurance protocol that is designed to examine projects according to certain criteria for 30 days and to protect liquidity providers against possible financial damages or any negativities.

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Launched in June 2021, Binstarter is a trailblazer in decentralized finance, renowned as the first multi-chain IDO platform with an Extended Insurance Protocol (EIP).