Playtoo IDO Launch on BinStarter

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Greetings, BinStarter Crew!

We're thrilled to announce the upcoming Playtoo IDO on our platform! Mark your calendars for June 26th at 16:00 UTC. This event marks a significant milestone in our journey to bring the most innovative and immersive gaming experiences to a global audience.

So, get ready for an exhilarating ride with Playtoo – we're all in this together! Join us and be part of the movement shaping the future of gaming on the blockchain.

Key Metrics

Public Sale Price: $0.035

Network: BSC-BEP20

Initial Supply: 7 950 000 PLY

Initial Market Cap: $285,405

Vesting Schedule: 25% at TGE, then vesting for 4 months

TGE Date: June 28th, 2024

IDO Link:

Introducing Playtoo

Playtoo, the platform on a mission to transition classic web2 games from app stores into the web3 space. Playtoo offers a streamlined framework, making it easier for developers to upgrade traditional games to be web3-ready and ensuring they can earn a 50% share of the revenue. Additionally, Playtoo enriches the gaming experience with challenges and tournaments, boosting user engagement and enjoyment.

Playtoo's vision is to establish a decentralized gaming hub where developers enjoy higher earnings and users engage in exciting, rewarding games—all without any initial fees for developers and free access for players! Their play-to-earn Web3 and Mobile platform delivers boundless entertainment, featuring hundreds of meticulously selected streaming games from top developers across the globe. Whether users are interested in competing in tournaments, engaging in 1VS1 challenges, or participating in multiplayer games, Playtoo offers a variety of options to suit every preference.

For the skilled developers out there, Playtoo presents a unique opportunity to display their games and fully realize their earning potential. With Playtoo, the opportunities are limitless.


 Simplified Access for Web2 Users: No immediate need to own a wallet, making the transition to web3 seamless and user-friendly.

Revenue Sharing Model with Developers: Ensures a continuous supply of games at zero cost, encouraging a vast array of game offerings.

$PLY Token Not Tied to a Single Game: Linked to an entire ecosystem of games, making it immune to passing fads and trends.

Unique Player Experience: Play-to-Earn with no ads, providing a singular destination for endless gaming options.

What is the $PLY Token?

The $PLY token, developed by Playtoo, is a versatile asset designed to support a wide range of gaming content and competitions for users of all ages and skill levels, leading to greater use and demand. Unlike tokens tied to a single game, the $PLY token is intended for various gaming contexts within the Playtoo ecosystem, making it resilient to trends and firmly rooted in video entertainment.

As a means of exchange and payment within the Playtoo ecosystem, the $PLY token features a unique revenue-sharing mechanism that rewards game developers for their contributions. This incentivizes content development and growth, adding value to the token and creating circularity.

Playtoo’s commitment to a blockchain-based gaming economy is evident in its platform structure, compensating both players and developers. This approach helps Playtoo avoid the pitfalls of relying on a limited audience for a few games. The $PLY token, therefore, represents a valuable investment in the broader gaming industry rather than a single product.

Innovative and foundational, the $PLY token is central to Playtoo’s strategy of sustaining ecosystem growth until it reaches self-sustainability. To support this, Playtoo has dedicated 68,750,000 tokens (27.5% of the total supply) to the Gaming Ecosystem Fund.

Token Utility

• The token can be staked to participate in prize pool competitions.

• It can be "earned" by converting experience points earned while playing (incentive).

• Maintaining a certain number of "locked" tokens allows participation in royalties.

Core Team

  • Alex Verticale linkedin (CEO, Co-founder)
  • Alessandro Benigni linkedin (CMO, Co-founder)
  • Silvia Turri Linkedin (COO, Co-founder)
  • David Jin Linkedin (CTO)
  • Valery Matushchak Linkedin  (Full Stack Dev)
  • Artem Malyi Linkedin  (UX/UI Designer)
  • Daniella Roy  (Full Stack Dev)
  • Tania Bell  (UX/UI Designer - Games tester)


Final Thoughts

Playtoo is a revolutionary Web3 and mobile play-to-earn platform, offering a vast library of curated games from top developers worldwide. It empowers developers with a revenue-sharing model and no upfront costs, while providing players with an ad-free, engaging gaming experience featuring various challenges and tournaments. Players earn Playtoo coins convertible to $PLY tokens, which support a diverse ecosystem, enhancing liquidity and value.

Playtoo's innovative solutions create a sustainable, user-friendly ecosystem that benefits both developers and players, revolutionizing the gaming industry. Developers can focus solely on game creation while enjoying significant revenue, and players can continuously discover new games and challenges, earning rewards along the way. The platform's seamless integration of blockchain technology ensures transparency and security, making Playtoo a game-changer in the digital entertainment landscape. This approach fosters a thriving, inclusive community where creativity and enjoyment flourish, setting a new standard for the future of gaming.


For more information on Playtoo and to stay updated on their  journey, visit:




Stay tuned for more details and don't miss out on the Playtoo IDO!

About Binstarter

Launched in June 2021, Binstarter is a trailblazer in decentralized finance, renowned as the first multi-chain IDO platform with an Extended Insurance Protocol (EIP). Our platform is committed to transparency, fairness, and innovation, offering secure and efficient fundraising solutions for startups. At Binstarter, we aim to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by reducing risks, enhancing user experiences, and empowering startups for successful launches.

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